Growing Hemp for Fiber



In recent years, the fashion industry has been undergoing a transformative shift towards sustainability and environmentally-conscious practices. One pivotal element of this shift is the growing interest in using hemp as a source of natural fibre for clothing and textiles. 

There are a number of barriers for growing hemp commercially for fibre and other products in the UK, with experiments under way across the country. In this article we will explore the use of hemp growing for small scale ‘field to fibre to fabric’ projects. It also covers why growing Hemp for Fibre can make an important contribution to sustainable fashion & local economies, and offers support for setting up a ‘field to fribre to fabric’ project.  


Why Grow Hemp for Fibre in the UK?

1. Environmental Sustainability

Hemp is a low-impact crop that thrives in the UK's temperate climate. Unlike cotton, which often requires copious amounts of water and pesticides, hemp can be cultivated with significantly fewer resources. Its deep root system also improves soil quality over time, making it an environmentally responsible choice.

2. Reduced Carbon Footprint

One of the most compelling reasons to grow hemp in the UK is its potential to reduce the fashion industry's carbon footprint. Research suggests that the plant itself is twice as effective as trees at absorbing and locking up carbon. By sourcing a local and sustainable fibre like hemp, fashion brands can also significantly cut down on the emissions associated with transportation and the production of synthetic materials.

3. Versatility and Durability

Hemp fibre is known for its versatility and durability. It can be spun into a wide range of textiles, from soft and breathable fabrics for clothing to rugged materials for accessories and bags. Hemp's strength and longevity also promote a longer lifespan for fashion products, and has therefore the potential to contribute to a reduction in textile waste.

4. Supporting Local Economies

Growing hemp for fibre has historically been an important part of local economies across the UK. Hemp, with its multiple uses, could create job opportunities in farming, processing, and manufacturing. Furthermore, investing in locally-grown hemp could foster community resilience and reduce reliance on international supply chains.

5. Raising awareness

A 'field to fibre to fabric' project that involves the community in growing hemp, processing it into fibre, and creating fabric can be an excellent tool to raise awareness about sustainable fashion, traditional crafts and the potential of growing hemp more widely again in the UK.


Starting any small business can be challenging. The good news is that you don't have to begin from scratch; instead, you can learn from the successes (and failures!) of others. Explore the support offerings from our collaborators who have initiated their own hemp growing projects. They are eager to assist you in achieving success and becoming part of the revival of hemp cultivation for fibre in the UK.

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